Commercial register entry
Company name entered: GIFAS-ELECTRIC GmbH
Number: CH-320.4.039.285-6
Trade register office: Altstätten SG
Value-Added Tax number
Exclusion of liability
The author will not accept any liability for content correctness, accuracy, up-to-dateness, reliability and completeness of the information.Liability claims against the author, which refer to the damage of material or immaterial nature caused by use or disuse of the presented information or through undue use of the connection or by technical failures, are excluded.All offers are without obligation. The author explicitly reserves the right to change, supplement or erase parts of the pages or the entire offer without separate announcement or to discontinue the publication partially or finally.
Liability for links
References and links to website of third parties are outside of our field of responsibilities. Any responsibility for such websites is rejected. The access to and the use of such websites is at the own risk of the user.
The copyrights and all other rights concerning contents, pictures, photos or other data files on the website are exclusively owned by GIFAS-ELECTRIC or the specifically named rights owners. The written approval of the copyright holder has to be obtained in advance for the reproduction of any elements.
Data protection
Based on Article (13) of the Swiss Federal Constitution and the data protection regulations of the Federation (Data Protection Act (DSG)), every person is entitled to the protection of his / her personal privacy as well as to the protection against misuse of their personal data. We comply with these regulations. Personal data are treated confidentially, and are neither sold nor passed on to third parties.n close co-operation with our hosting partner we are trying to protect the databases as best as possible against unauthorised access, loss, misuse or against counterfeiting.During the access to our website, the following data are saved in logfiles: ID address, date, time, browser request and general information on the operating system and/or browser. These usage data are the basis for statistical anonmyised assessment so that trends can be recognised which enable us to improve our offers correspondingly.
Intended use of personal data
No registration is required for most of our service offers; you can visit our website without telling us who you are. For some services, however, it may be necessary that you enter personal data. If in such a case you decide that you do not want to enter the requested personal data, this may result in the fact that you cannot use certain parts of our website and/or that we cannot answer your enquiry.We collect and use your personal data, for example, to offer products or services, to invoice the products and services you have ordered or to present products and services, of which we believe that they could be of interest to you, or for other purposes which are clearly evident by the circumstances, or about which we inform you upon collection of the personal data.
Right of withdrawal
If you ask GIFAS-ELECTRIC GmbH to not use your personal data for further contacts and/or to delete the said, this will be carried out correspondingly. Data compulsory for order handling and/or for commercial purposes are not affected by a termination and/or deletion.We hope for your understanding that in case of the withdrawal the personalised service cannot be provided anymore as the said is based on the use of customer data.
Data protection declaration for the use of Google Analytics
This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses so-called “cookies”, i.e. text files which are saved on your computer, and which enable an analysis of the use of the website by you. As a rule, the information on your use of this website collected by the cookie is transferrd to a server of Google in the USA and is saved there. In case of the activation of IP anonymisation on this website, your IP address will be abbreviated by Google first of all within the member states of the European Union or in other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area.In exceptional cases only, the full IP address is transferrd to a server of Google in the USA and is saved there. Google will use the information to analyse your use of the website in order to compile reports on the website activities for the website operator, and to provide other services linked to the website use and Internet use. Google will also pass on the information to third parties, provided this is legally required, or if third parties process these data on behalf of Google. The IP address provided by your browser within the framework of Google Analytics will not be combined with other data of Google.You can prevent the installation of the cookies by setting the software of your browser correspondingly; we wish to point out that in this case not all functions of this website can be used entirely. By using this website, you agree to the processing of the data collected by Google in the way described hereinbefore and for the purpose mentioned above.
If you have any questions or complaints with respect to our observation of this data protection declaration, or if you have any recommendations or notes on improvments of our data protection, please send an E-mail to